The story of how we got started on Snips

The story of Snips is a testament to the power of inspiration and perseverance. Born out of a simple idea and a passion for education, Snips will grow into a thriving app that brings together learners and experts from all walks of life. With a timeline marked by milestones and achievements, the story of Snips is a true inspiration for anyone with a dream.

March 2022

The idea for Snips was born. An idea to reality

The idea for Snips was born. The founder was inspired to create an educational short-videos sharing app that covered many categories, from cooking and real-estate to business, lifestyle, and more. He spent several months perfecting the concept, surveying potential users and refining their vision. The ultimate goal is to create an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Wanting Snips to be accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds, and so he focused on simplicity and ease of use.

September 2022

The development of Snips began in earnest.

The founder worked tirelessly to create a stable, scalable platform that could handle the demands of a growing user base. They paid close attention to security and privacy concerns, ensuring that users could share their knowledge and experiences without fear of harassment or abuse.

February 2023

A historic moment occurred in the journey of Snips.

Amgad Alamin, the founder of Snips, met with Leo Basaldua, who shared the same passion and vision for Snips. After extensive discussions and brainstorming sessions, they formed a partnership that would take Snips to new heights of success. They were both passionate about creating a platform that would help people learn and grow, and they believed that Snips had the potential to become a global phenomenon. The future of Snips looks brighter than ever before. This partnership signifies a major milestone for Snips and sets the stage for an exciting future ahead.


The beta launch of the app is scheduled for April 2023, with the product launch planned for May of the same year.

Moving forward, the team plans to continue updating Snips with new features and enhancements. Open to join hands with companies that share our vision for education and knowledge-sharing, and we are committed to making Snips the best possible platform for learners and content-creators alike.

Product Overview

Here you can find the latest overview of Snips